Capablanca, J.R. – Nimzowitsch, A. 1913

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Capablanca, José    2743 (36) 1/
Nimzowitsch, Aron    2575 (41) 0/
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Riga
Start date: 30 Dec. 1913
End date: 30 Dec. 1913
A single exhibition game played between these two players on this occasion, according to Walter Chan (personal communication), citing Kogan's Essays on the history of chess in the USSR (p.144). However, Hooper and Brandreth give the date as 30 Dec. 1913, while the Rigasche Zeitung of 17 Dec. 1913 says that Capablanca was to play Nimzowitsch 'this evening' ('heute abend'). Was this the same game, or another?
   Hooper and Brandreth, Unknown Capablanca, page 17, 175
   Kogan, History of Chess in the USSR, page 144
   Sánchez, José Raúl Capablanca, page 194, 197
   [RZ], vol. 119, no. 291, 17 Dec. 1913, page 4

Match information updated: 12 Nov. 2024