Filiberti, F. – Egisti, G.A. 1844

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Filiberti, Felice    2421 (90) 73.5/100 
Egisti, G. Antonio    1818 (95) 26.5/100 
  Filiberti, Felice gave odds of a rook
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Rome, Italy
Start date: 1844
End date: 1844
Dubois says that Filiberti gave Egisti Rook odds in a match of 100 games, and remained superior by 47. I take this to mean a result of 73.5-26.5 for Filiberti. It is not clear whether this took place in 1844 or 1845.
   [ESIC], no. 3, 10 July 1864, page 10

Match page created: 6 Mar. 2021