Steinitz, W. – Blackburne, J.H. 1870

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Steinitz, Wilhelm    2727 (44) 1.5/
Blackburne, Joseph    2574 (39) 0.5/
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: London, England
Start date: Apr. 1870
End date: May 1870
Feenstra Kuiper, Moran, Di Felice, Sarah's Chess Journal, and the Brooklyn Daily Eagle of 27 Mar. 1892 give +5-0=1 for Steinitz; Sunnucks, the Era of 14 Aug. 1870 (p.7), and the Westminster Papers of 1 Jun. 1870 give +1-0=1 for Steinitz, which would seem to be correct, given that the latter reference especially is contemporary and detailed. Sergeant discusses the lack of evidence for the former score and gives the result from the Westminster Papers. Harding gives the former score in Eminent Victorian Chess Players (p.167), but corrects it in his biographies of Blackburne and Steinitz. Sarah's Chess Journal gives date as 1869-1870; Feenstra Kuiper, Moran, and Sunnucks give 1870; Di Felice gives Apr. 1870. The Westminster Papers of 2 May 1870 say the first game (the draw) was played 'this month', which probably means Apr. 1870. The second game was played some time later, but no later than May 1870, as the result of the 'match' appears in the 1 Jun. 1870 issue of the Westminster Papers.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 51
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 18
   Harding, Eminent Victorian Chess Players, page 167
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 71, 509
   Harding, Steinitz in London, page 171, 182, 347
   Moran, World Chess Championship I, page 3
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 155
   Sunnucks, Encyclopaedia of Chess, page 467
   [BDE], vol. 52, no. 86, 27 Mar. 1892, page 17
   [Era], vol. 32, no. 1662, 14 Aug. 1870, page 7
   [Era], vol. 32, no. 1663, 21 Aug. 1870, page 7
   [WP], vol. 3, no. 25, 2 May 1870, page 1
   [WP], vol. 3, no. 26, 1 June 1870, page 17, 21
   Sarah.  [der Schwarze Tod]
   Sarah.  [Joseph Henry Blackburne]

Match information updated: 3 Apr. 2022