de Saint-Amant, P.C.F. – Schulten, J.W. 1842

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
de Saint-Amant, Pierre    2571 (50) 11/12 
Schulten, John    2326 (55) 1/12 
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Paris
Start date: 15 Dec. 1842
End date: 20 Dec. 1842
Bell's Life in London (1 Jan. 1842, p.2) gives 7-1 for de Saint-Amant; Le Palamède (15 Jan. 1843, p.15) gives 11-1 for de Saint-Amant. Le Palamède says that the 12 games were played in three sittings of 4 games each, Schulten's only win being in the 8th game. So the result given by Bell's Life is presumably a partial result after the first 2 sittings. In fact, the 19 Feb. 1843 issue of Bell's Life in London (p.4) confirms the 11-1 result.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 4
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 12
   [BLL], 1 Jan. 1843, page 2
   [BLL], 19 Feb. 1843, page 4
   [Pal], vol. 3, no. 1, 15 Jan. 1843, page 15
   Alberti, Marco A.  [Pierre Charles Fournier Saint-Amant]
   Sericano, C.  [I grandi matches fino al 1849]
   Spinrad, Jeremy P.  [Collected results, 1836-1863]