Lasker, Em. – von Bardeleben, C.C.A. 1889

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Lasker, Emanuel    2617 (41) 2.5/
von Bardeleben, Curt    2549 (36) 1.5/
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Berlin
Start date: Nov. 1889
End date: Nov. 1889
La Grande Storia degli Scacchi and the Berliner Schachverband website give +1-1=2; the British Chess Magazine of Aug. 1891 (p.392) gives +1-1=1; all other sources give +2-1=1 for Lasker. Michael Negele (p.24) clarifies that the fourth games was not completed, but was broken off in a probably lost position for von Bardeleben. This is counted as a win for Lasker by most sources.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 120
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 23
   Forster, Negele and Tischbierek, Emanuel Lasker, Vol.I, page 24
   Hannak, Emanuel Lasker, page 27
   Hooper and Whyld, Oxford Companion (1st ed.), page 178
   Lasker, Lasker's Manual of Chess, page xx
   [BCM], vol. 11, no. 8, Aug. 1891, page 392
   Alberti, Marco A.  [Emanuel Lasker]
   Giffen, Glen.  [Lasker, Emanuel]
   Hoppe, Frank.  [Chronik des Jahres 1889]
   Sericano, C.  [I matches 1880/99]

Match information updated: 23 Aug. 2019