Pestalozzi, Max


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1884  274  2165 (141) 1
1885  259  2177 (140) 0
1886  251  2188 (138) 0
1887  241  2200 (136) 1
1888  233  2205 (137) 0
1889  231  2210 (137) 0
1890  246  2216 (137) 0
1891  239  2221 (136) 0
1892  250  2226 (136) 0
1893  239  2231 (135) 0
1894  230  2236 (134) 0
1895  228  2241 (133) 0
1896  214  2246 (131) 0
1897  209  2251 (130) 0
1898  223  2256 (128) 0
1899  206  2262 (126) 4

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Pestalozzi, Max  
Born: 18 Feb. 1856
Died: 8 June 1925
Gorodin has 'Maximilian Pestalozzi'; Gaige and Forster have 'Max Pestalozzi'. Gorodin and Forster have date of birth as 1857; Gaige has 18-02-1856.
   Forster, The Zurich Chess Club, page 140, 433
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 325
   Gorodin, Dmitry.  [On the background of international chess tournaments in Switzerland]
   [Swiss Chess Federation: Hall of Fame]

Tournament data

Davos 1884     Davos Tournament     13  /  14
Zurich 1887     Künstergütli Tournament    
  Pestalozzi, M. - Poplawski, A.W.K.     0.5 - 0.5    
Lausanne 1899     9th Swiss Chess Tournament - Group 1     3.5  /  5

Player information updated: 5 Sept. 2021