Year |
Rank |
Edo |
Dev. |
Games |
1936 |
1126 |
2094 | (88) | 6 |
1937 |
1028 |
2104 | (88) | 0 |
1938 |
982 |
2114 | (87) | 0 |
1939 |
849 |
2124 | (84) | 7 |
Rating table notes
Biographical data |
Name: Fleischmann, Friedrich |
Also known as: Fritz Fleischmann |
Born: |
Died: |
Notes: |
In the Kibbitzer's Corner on the Wolfgang Fleishmann page at chessgames.com, there is mention of information from Alan McGowan that there was a Friedrich/Fritz Fleischmann of Weiden in a history of Bavarian chess. In Klaus Steffan's article on the history of chess in Oberfranken (the region of Germany in which Bayreuth is situated), he has a Fritz Fleischmann from Marktredwitz playing in Kulmbach in 1935. Marktredwitz, Kulmbach, Weiden, and Bayreuth are all neighbouring towns. He also lists Friedrich Fleischmann as the champion of Oberfranken in 1950. Feenstra Kuiper has F. Fleischmann playing a match against Ed. Hahn in 1936 in Bayreuth. Di Felice lists Hahn's opponent as 'Fleischmann, Lorenz Hermann'. But p.73 of Der Bayerische Schachbund, a history of chess in Bavaria, makes it clear that Hahn's opponent was Friedrich/Fritz Fleischmann. |
References |
Books |
Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 353 |
Diel, Bayerische Schachbund, page 68, 73, 231 |
Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 63 |
Periodicals |
[DSZ], vol. 89, 1934, page 68 |
[DSZ], vol. 92, no. 9, Sep. 1937, page 261 |
Web |
Steffan, Klaus. [Geschichte des organisierten Schachspiels in Oberfranken] |
Winter, Edward. [CN 8699. The Pillsbury attack] |
[Wolfgang Fleischmann] |
| |