Jacob, Friedrich


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1900  383  2155 (71) 15
1901  336  2183 (74) 0
1902  304  2211 (76) 0
1903  263  2239 (75) 0
1904  227  2267 (72) 0
1905  185  2295 (67) 0
1906  145  2323 (58) 0
1907  108  2351 (45) 20
1908  105  2355 (46) 15
1909  141  2338 (58) 0
1910  166  2321 (64) 6

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Jacob, Friedrich G.  
   Also known as: Jakob
Di Felice gives his name as 'Jacob, Franz'. Forster gives 'Jacob, Fr[iedrich] G.'. Winter says the tournament book has 'Fr. G. Jacob aus Straßburg i. E.'. Winter also quotes La Stratégie of 15 Aug. 1900 (p.243) to say 'M. Jacob, pseudonyme d'un amateur de Strasbourg'. The Field in 1907 has first name 'Friedrich' (information from Tim Harding). The Ostende 1907 tournament book edited by Teichmann, lists 'Friedr. Jacob' on p.1 of the Foreword (information from Paul Brown; see also Harding's biography of Blackburne, p.458).
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 227
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 307
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 961
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 454, 458, 538, 557
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 119
   Winter, Edward.  [CN 4801. Jacob]

Tournament data

Munich 1900 (16)     12th German Chess Federation Congress - Meisterturnier     1.5  /  15
Ostend 1907 (3)     Ostend Master Tournament     8.5  /  20
Dusseldorf 1908 (1)     16th German Chess Federation Congress - Master Tournament     6.5  /  15
Hamburg 1910 (1)     17th German Chess Federation Congress - Meisterturnier     1.5  /  6

Player information updated: 5 May 2020