Schindler, Josef (2)


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1923  630  2147 (58) 9
1924  649  2151 (51) 11
1925  746  2129 (51) 7
1926  847  2109 (53) 7
1927  951  2088 (58) 9

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Schindler, Josef (2)  
   Also known as: Dr. Josef Schindler
   Ranneforth, Ranneforth's Schachkalender 1925
   Ranneforth, Ranneforth's Schachkalender 1933
   [DSZ], vol. 81, 1926, page 103
   [DSZ], vol. 96, 1941, page 133
   [DWBS], 1915, page 218

Tournament data

Usti nad Labem 1923     2nd Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia - Championship     5  /  9
Chabarovice 1924     3rd Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia     6.5  /  11
Broumov 1925     4th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia     2.5  /  7
Liberec 1926     5th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia     3  /  7
Cheb 1927     6th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia - Championship     3  /  9

Player page created: 30 Jul. 2023