Schiffler, Leonhard


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1939  598  2189 (70) 10
1940  530  2192 (74) 0
1941  483  2195 (75) 7

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Schiffler, Leonhard  
Born: 1904
Di Felice has 'Schiffer, L.'. The Deutsche Schachzeitung of Feb. 1939 (p.37) has 'Leonhardt Schiffler', but the Duisburger General-Anzeiger of 6 Jan. 1939 (p.10) has 'Leonhard' and says he was 34 years old then, so born in 1904 (or perhaps the first few days of 1905).
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 238
   McGowan, Kurt Richter, page 214
   [DGA], 6 Jan. 1939, page 9, 10
   [DSZ], vol. 94, no. 2, Feb. 1939, page 37

Tournament data

Duisburg 1939     Duisburg Tournament     5  /  11
Berlin 1941 (2)     Berliner Schachgesellschaft Championship - Group 2     4.5  /  7

Player information updated: 13 Feb. 2024