Year |
Rank |
Edo |
Dev. |
Games |
1856 |
122 |
2189 | (135) | 3 |
1857 |
126 |
2178 | (139) | 1 |
Rating table notes
Biographical data |
Name: Elkin, Lewis |
Born: |
Died: |
References |
Books |
Fiske, First American Chess Congress, page 75, 84, 360, 414 |
Hilbert, Emil Kemeny, page 79 |
Hilbert, Tragic Life of Leonard, page 121 |
Hillyer, Thomas Frère, page 167 |
Lange and Falkbeer, Paul Morphy Sketch, page 44 |
Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 6, 68 |
van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. I, page 26 |
Periodicals |
[Alb], 22 Mar. 1856 |
[CMNY], vol. 1, no. 10, Oct. 1857, page 310 |
[FLIN], 15 Nov. 1856 |
[NR], vol. 4, no. 3, Mar. 1863, page 87 |
[NYTi], 12 Nov. 1858 |
[NYTr], 8 Oct. 1857 |
[PDEB], 7 June 1867 |
[SZ], vol. 24, no. 4, Apr. 1869, page 108 |
Web |
Sarah. [Paul Morphy's Contenders] |
Sarah. [The Returning Hero] |
Winter, Edward. [CN 3828. New York, 1857] |
| |