Hunnex, James


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1881  299  2106 (112) 1
1882  286  2122 (108) 3
1883  318  2116 (108) 1
1884  364  2104 (110) 1
1885  369  2102 (114) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Hunnex, James R.  
Born: 1854
Died: 1938
The Chess Player's Chronicle of 13 Dec. 1881 (p.600) has 'J R Hannex'.
   [CPC], vol. 5, no. 98, 13 Dec. 1881, page 600
   [LW], 18 Feb. 1882
   Donaldson, John.  [History of the MI Chess Room]
   Wright, Stephen.  [BCCF E-mail Bulletin #73], page 8
   Wright, Stephen.  [Founding of the Victoria Chess Club]
   Wright, Stephen.  [A Tale of Three Cities: the 1895 Pacific Cable Matches]

Tournament data

London, England 1881 (4)     City of London Club First Class - Fourth Class Match    
  Hunnex, J.R. - Potter, W.N.     0 - 1          Potter, W.N. gave odds of a knight
London, England 1882 (4)     City of London Club 4th Class - Railway Clearing House Club Match    
  Hunnex, J.R. - Hill (1)     1 - 0    
London, England 1882 (6)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Hunnex, J.R. - Gattie, W.M.     1 - 0    
London, England 1882 (8)     City of London Club Handicap    
  Hunnex, J.R. - Lovelock, J.F.     1 - 0          Hunnex, J.R. gave odds of the move
London, England 1883 (1)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Hunnex, J.R. - Gattie, W.M.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England 1884 (3)     City of London Club 3rd Class - Cambridge University Club Match    
  Hunnex, J.R. - Carr, F.P.     0 - 1    
London, England 1885 (3)     City of London - Universities Match    
  Hunnex, J.R. - Barnett, R.W.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 27 Apr. 2021