Spence, J.J.


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1893  625  1980 (183) 1
1894  626  1981 (184) 0
1895  619  1982 (185) 0
1896  611  1983 (186) 0
1897  631  1984 (186) 0
1898  640  1984 (187) 0
1899  651  1985 (188) 0
1900  661  1986 (189) 0
1901  669  1987 (189) 0
1902  681  1988 (190) 0
1903  680  1989 (191) 0
1904  715  1990 (191) 0
1905  740  1991 (192) 0
1906  750  1992 (192) 0
1907  758  1993 (193) 0
1908  762  1993 (193) 0
1909  829  1994 (194) 0
1910  817  1995 (194) 0
1911  852  1996 (194) 0
1912  832  1997 (195) 0
1913  838  1998 (195) 0
1914  779  1999 (195) 0
1915  732  2000 (195) 0
1916  720  2001 (196) 0
1917  716  2002 (196) 0
1918  730  2003 (196) 0
1919  731  2003 (196) 0
1920  801  2004 (196) 0
1921  853  2005 (196) 0
1922  868  2006 (196) 0
1923  945  2007 (196) 0
1924  995  2008 (196) 0
1925  1040  2009 (196) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Spence, J.J.  
Name given as 'J.J. Spencer' in the 30 Jan. 1893 issue of the Birmingham Daily Post, but as 'J.J. Spence' in the 27 Mar. 1900 issue and in the Manchester Weekly Times of 3 Feb. 1893. Was this the 'J. Spencer' who played for the Leeds club in 1905?
   [BDP], 30 Jan. 1893
   [BDP], 27 Mar. 1900
   [MaWT], no. 1853, 3 Feb. 1893, page 7

Tournament data

Birmingham 1893     North and South Match    
  Spence, J.J. - Deighton, F.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England 1894 (1)     North and South Match    
  Spence, J.J. - Paulig, C.     1 - 0    
Sheffield 1925     English Counties Championship Semi-final Match: Yorkshire - Warwickshire    
  Spence, J.J. - Dale, E.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 16 Dec. 2018