Paris 1849 (8)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Famin    1764 (193) 1 /
Vielle, Cl.    1631 (110) 0 /
de Vaucoret    2164 (105) 1 /
Saint-Léon, Martin    2229 (49) 0 /
Warnet    2207 (62) 1 /
Saint-Léon, Gabriel    0 /
Versin    2233 (78) 1 /
Preti, Jean-Louis    2358 (55) 0 /
Saint-Léon, Martin    2229 (49) 1 /
Famin    1764 (193) 0 /
Warnet    2207 (62) 1 /
Versin    2233 (78) 0 /
Preti, Jean-Louis    2358 (55) 1 /
Versin    2233 (78) 0 /
Saint-Léon, Martin    2229 (49) 0 /
Warnet    2207 (62) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 40th Café de la Régence tournament
Place: Paris
Start date: 12 May 1849
End date: 12 May 1849
Martin Saint-Léon replaced de Vaucoret in the 2nd round. Cornil puts Martin Saint-Léon in the winner's column in the last round with Warnet, but then says that Warnet won the tournament. So Warnet presumably won the final game. One game per pairing in these weekly tournaments, as explained by Delannoy (La Régence, 1849, p.106). Kieseritzky gives 'Martin St-Léon' and 'Martin Gabriel' as participants in this tournament, but Cornil corrects the latter as 'Gabriel Saint-Léon' which must surely be correct.
   Cornil, Le Café de la Régence, page 51
   [Reg], vol. 1, no. 6, June 1849, page 168