Barmen 1905 (3)

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Důras, Oldřich    2552 (32) 12 / 15 
Rubinstein, Akiba    2557 (38) 12 / 15 
Löwy, Leopold (1)    2456 (31) 11.5 / 15 
Vidmar, Milan    2460 (32) 11.5 / 15 
Cohn, Erich    2386 (34) 11 / 15 
Bleijkmans, Dirk    2337 (41) 9.5 / 15 
Heilmann, Ernst    2269 (41) 8 / 15 
Englund, Fritz    2248 (40) 7.5 / 15 
Möwig, Alfred    2306 (45) 7.5 / 15 
Middleton, Edward    2280 (42) 7 / 15 
Kizeritsky, R.G.    2243 (44) 6 / 15 
Petzold, Kurt    2159 (69) 5.5 / 15 
Gajdos, János    2267 (40) 5 / 15 
Benima, Frederik    2090 (55) 3.5 / 15 
Sartori, Arthur    2039 (67) 2.5 / 15 
Kunze, Wilhelm    1998 (45) 0 / 15 
Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Důras, Oldřich    2552 (32) 0.5 /
Rubinstein, Akiba    2557 (38) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Barmen Tournament - Hauptturnier A
Place: Barmen
Start date: 12 Aug. 1905
End date: 31 Aug. 1905
Gaige says Duras and Rubinstein shared first and second prizes; Di Felice indicates that they had two play-off games, both draws. Donaldson and Minev also show a 1-1 result of the play-off. Fiala (p.457) says that the second game was never played. Fiala has 'Otto Kunze' and 'Kurt Petzold' on p.451 (and the latter again on p.476), but 'W. Kunze' and 'H. Petzold' on p.449 (and the latter again on p.476). The Deutche Schachzeitung of Aug. 1905 (pp.255, 259) has 'H. Petzold' but the Barmen 1905 tournament book (p.621) has 'Petzold, Kurt'. Note that the crosstable given on p.459 of Fiala's book, in the section on Barmen 1905, has been substituted in error by a repetition of the Coburg 1904 crosstable. Di Felice has 'Benima, Levi' in this event; has Frederik Benima.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 52
   Donaldson and Minev, Life and Games of Rubinstein, Vol. 1, page 11, 33
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachturniere, page 218
   Fiala, Olrich Duras, Vol.1, page 448, 557, 576
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables II, page 220
   Goldman, Carl Schlechter!, page 228
   Malthan, Schellenberg and et al., Schachkongress des Barmer Schachvereins 1905, page 90
   [DSZ], vol. 60, no. 9, Sep. 1905, page 259

Tournament information updated: 19 Aug. 2022