Barmen 1905 (9)

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Moll, Kurt    2235 (58) 6 /
Krusius, Paul    1913 (73) 4 /
Valentiner, Otto    2218 (54) 4 /
Biedendorf, Karl    2071 (68) 3 /
Ellenbogen    1928 (89) 3 /
Eisinger, Max (1)    1582 (145) 1 /
Molineus, Peter    0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Barmen Tournament - Hauptturnier C, Section 1
Place: Barmen
Start date: 12 Aug. 1905
End date: 31 Aug. 1905
It is not clear to me why Valentiner and Biedendorf should have been playing in Hauptturnier C as well as in Hauptturnier B. Gaige gives 'O. Valentiner' here but just 'Valentiner' in Hauptturnier B, and 'K. Biedendorf' both here and in Hauptturnier B. Di Felice identifies them as the same two players in both groups. The Deutsche Schachzeitung of Sep. 1905 also has 'O. Valentiner (Leipzig)' and 'K. Biedendorf (Elberfeld)' in both places. The tournament book has 'Masius' in the crosstable, as an 8th player, but he played no games.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 53
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables II, page 223
   Malthan, Schellenberg and et al., Schachkongress des Barmer Schachvereins 1905, page 92
   [DSZ], vol. 60, no. 9, Sep. 1905, page 262

Tournament information updated: 22 Jul. 2022