New York 1892 (5)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Brenzinger, F. Eugene    2156 (105) 1 /
Eccles, Charles    2130 (94) 0 /
Hodges, Albert B.    2507 (33) 1 /
Stubbs, Houghton    2229 (80) 0 /
Maguire, George    0 /
Lisle, A.C.    1 /
Barth, Gustav    0 /
Hoeber    1 /
Pendleton, Walter    1528 (179) 0 /
Dreicher    1 /
Washburn, E.K.    0 /
Arnheim, Albert    2243 (123) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Staten Island - Gotham Club Match
Place: New York
Start date: 9 Mar. 1892
End date: 9 Mar. 1892
Only partial results available. Hilbert and Lahde give only the results of the games Brenzinger-Eccles and Hodges-Stubbs, as well as the final score of 4-2 for the Gotham Club.
   Hilbert and Lahde, Albert Beauregard Hodges, page 106
   [NYTr], 13 Mar. 1892