London, England 1894 (2)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Locock, Charles    2337 (65) 0.5 /
Owen, John    2271 (48) 0.5 /
Jackson, Edward    2270 (56) 0.5 /
Gunston, William    2334 (50) 0.5 /
Ranken, Charles    2171 (76) 0.5 /
Donisthorpe, Wordsworth    2300 (70) 0.5 /
Wainwright, George    2320 (67) 1 /
Carr, Francis    2116 (89) 0 /
Ross, Alexander    2084 (122) 0 /
Gwinner, Herman    2276 (105) 1 /
Lewis, Lewis    2067 (96) 1 /
Keynes, John    2069 (102) 0 /
Lowe, Hubert    2096 (77) 0.5 /
Schott, George    2159 (59) 0.5 /
Welsh, John    1873 (73) 0.5 /
Deighton, Frederick    2098 (70) 0.5 /
le Patourel, Wallace    1519 (200) 0.5 /
Sugden, James    1716 (127) 0.5 /
Hunt, Robert    1478 (203) 0.5 /
Fisher, William    1838 (111) 0.5 /
Crosse, Edward    1664 (143) 0 /
Kearney, Efric    1878 (136) 1 /
Ure, John    1812 (180) 0 /
Young, Edward    2266 (163) 1 /
Schomberg, Reginald    2020 (161) 0.5 /
Watts, John    2094 (123) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Oxford Past - Cambridge Past Match
Place: London, England
Start date: 13 Apr. 1894
End date: 13 Apr. 1894
The identities of some of the players in this event are not clear. The New York Tribune article has many misprints, such as 'Rev. J.F. Engden' instead of 'Rev. J.F. Sugden', and 'C.D. Lockman', presumably instead of 'C.D. Locock'. I am guessing that 'A.F. Schomberg' should be 'R.B. Schomberg' and that 'Rev. J.T. Watts' should be 'J.J. Watts', that 'H.T. Lowe' should be 'H.F. Lowe', and that 'J.T. Ure' should be 'J.F. Ure'.
   [NYTr], 28 Apr. 1894

Tournament page created: 31 Dec. 2014