Birmingham 1858 (2)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Boden, Samuel    2539 (49) 1 /
Kipping, James    2311 (50) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 2nd British Chess Association Congress - Minor Tournament
Place: Birmingham
Start date: 24 Aug. 1858
End date: 27 Aug. 1858
Only partial results available. The report in the Field of 28 Aug. 1858 and the New York Clipper of 25 Sep. 1858 says only that Boden beat Kipping in the final. I record that here as a 1-0 result (to be conservative).
   [Fld], 28 Aug. 1858
   [NYC], 25 Sep. 1858

Tournament information updated: 23 Aug. 2019