Sydney and Melbourne 1921

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Crakanthorp, Spencer    2279 (57) 0.5 /
Gundersen, Gunnar    2224 (51) 0.5 /
Bradshaw, Thomas    1906 (107) 0 /
Watson, Charles    2332 (52) 1 /
Jonas, William    2000 (55) 0 /
Steele, Charles    2128 (49) 1 /
Nielsen, A. (2)    1975 (78) 0 /
Esling, Frederick    2047 (106) 1 /
Ballek, Emil    2013 (67) 0 /
Erskine, John    2068 (71) 1 /
Crakanthorp, Lawrence    2017 (78) 1 /
Grant, Henry    1917 (67) 0 /
Heydon, Joseph    1738 (147) 0 /
Coultas, Walter    2056 (65) 1 /
Spence, Valentine    1744 (67) 0 /
Stanley, John    1905 (122) 1 /
King, W.    1845 (65) 0.5 /
Tate, Henry    1829 (51) 0.5 /
Ranger, A.W.H.    1714 (87) 0.5 /
Burr, A. (1)    1852 (59) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 36th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match
Place: Sydney and Melbourne
Start date: 6 June 1921
End date: 6 June 1921
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 25

Tournament page created: 6 Feb. 2016