Jonas, William


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1896  616  2001 (84) 2
1897  595  2016 (77) 1
1898  577  2043 (68) 14
1899  572  2053 (67) 2
1900  583  2051 (64) 2
1901  575  2062 (60) 11
1902  581  2066 (60) 2
1903  577  2072 (57) 11
1904  570  2086 (54) 24
1905  589  2083 (57) 10
1906  611  2077 (61) 1
1907  620  2076 (62) 2
1908  669  2063 (61) 15
1909  757  2044 (68) 1
1910  805  2024 (73) 1
1911  850  2014 (78) 0
1912  845  2003 (80) 0
1913  879  1992 (81) 1
1914  831  1994 (82) 0
1915  787  1996 (82) 0
1916  771  1998 (80) 0
1917  763  2000 (76) 0
1918  766  2002 (71) 0
1919  764  2004 (62) 11
1920  836  2007 (60) 2
1921  918  1998 (54) 6
1922  942  2002 (47) 30
1923  966  2022 (50) 11
1924  1063  2007 (50) 20
1925  1179  1987 (53) 15
1926  1337  1931 (59) 11
1927  1394  1912 (70) 2

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Jonas, William Henry  
Born: 6 Oct. 1865
Died: 16 May 1929
Gaige has year of birth as 1879; McGowan (personal communication) has found his birth record giving date of birth as 6-10-1865.
   Bignold, Australian Chess Annual, page 26, 40
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 308
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 327
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 196
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 541
   [SMH], no. 26830, 2 Jan. 1924, page 10
   Dunn, Paul.  [9th Australian Championship 1898]
   McGowan, Alan.  [Jonas Brothers]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Jacobsen, J.L. - Jonas, W.H. 1898         (f)     9.5   -   3.5
Jonas, W.H. - Christensen, J.K. 1903         (f)     5.5   -   3.5
Jonas, W.H. - Bunyan, A. 1904         (f)     6   -   6
Crakanthorp, S. - Jonas, W.H. 1904         (f)     5   -   5

Tournament data

Sydney 1896 (1)     Sydney Club - School of Arts Club Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Crane, W.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Melbourne 1896     16th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Stanley, J.S.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Melbourne 1897     17th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Weldon, R.M.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Melbourne 1898     18th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Noall, A.J.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Melbourne 1899     19th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Witton, J.G.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Brisbane 1899     6th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Bell, G.T.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Melbourne 1900     20th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Russell, G.A.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Brisbane 1900     7th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Palmer, A.C.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Melbourne 1901     21st New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Betts, R.A.     1 - 0    
Sydney 1901     1st New South Wales Championship     6.5  /  10
Sydney and Brisbane 1901     8th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Boyce, J.A.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Brisbane 1902     9th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Apperly, H.W.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Melbourne 1902     22nd New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Watson, C.G.M.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Melbourne 1903     23rd New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Watson, C.G.M.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Brisbane 1903     10th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Palmer, A.C.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Melbourne 1904     24th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Loughran, E.B.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Brisbane 1904     11th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Trundle, J.J.     1 - 0    
Sydney 1905     2nd New South Wales Championship     7  /  10
Sydney and Melbourne 1906     25th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Loughran, E.B.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Melbourne 1907     26th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Dierich, F.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Brisbane 1907     12th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Boyce, C.L.R.     1 - 0    
Sydney 1908     3rd New South Wales Championship     9  /  13
Sydney and Melbourne 1908     27th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Ockenden, E.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Brisbane 1908     13th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Casperson, C.H.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Brisbane 1909     14th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Smyth, F.C.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Melbourne 1910     29th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Gundersen, G.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Melbourne 1913     31st New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Steele, C.G.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Melbourne 1919     34th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Moulin, C.     1 - 0    
Sydney 1919     5th New South Wales Championship     6.5  /  10
Sydney and Brisbane 1920     18th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Poole, W.C.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Melbourne 1920     35th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Grant, H.E.     1 - 0    
Sydney 1921     6th New South Wales Championship     8.5  /  13
Sydney and Melbourne 1921     36th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Steele, C.G.     0 - 1    
Sydney 1922     7th New South Wales Championship     10  /  16
Sydney and Brisbane 1922     20th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Ansaldo, A.J.     0.5 - 0.5    
Melbourne 1922 (1)     12th Australian Championship     4  /  12
Sydney and Melbourne 1922     37th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Steele, C.G.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Brisbane 1923     21st New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Boyce, C.L.R.     1 - 0    
Sydney 1923     8th New South Wales Championship     6.5  /  9
Sydney and Melbourne 1923     38th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Coultas, W.F.J.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Brisbane 1924     22nd New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Cowdry, A.S.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Melbourne 1924     39th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Coultas, W.F.J.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney 1924     9th New South Wales Championship     11  /  18
Sydney and Melbourne 1925     40th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Grant, H.E.     1 - 0    
Sydney 1925     10th New South Wales Championship     10  /  14
Sydney 1926     14th Australian Championship     1.5  /  10
Sydney and Melbourne 1926     41st New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Merkel, S.M.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Brisbane 1927     23rd New South Wales - Queensland Telgraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Mosely, A.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Melbourne 1927     42nd New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Jonas, W.H. - Rosenblum, E.I.     0.5 - 0.5    

Player information updated: 3 Apr. 2022