Bath 1865

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Holloway, Alfred    1984 (105) 4 /
Biggs, F.    1668 (123) 0 /
Berry, William    1908 (79) 2.5 /
Hay (1)    1486 (172) 0.5 /
Berry, William    1908 (79) 0 /
Kennedy, Hugh    2332 (91) 2 /
  Kennedy, Hugh gave odds of a knight
Burt, John    2022 (84) 0.5 /
Kennedy, Hugh    2332 (91) 0.5 /
  Kennedy, Hugh gave odds of a knight
Burt, John    2022 (84) 2 /
Cowdry (1)    1653 (130) 1 /
Isaacs, H.M.    2122 (59) 1 /
Kennedy, Hugh    2332 (91) 0 /
  Kennedy, Hugh gave odds of a knight
Isaacs, H.M.    2122 (59) 2.5 /
Hollway, J.    1824 (102) 0.5 /
Stevens (2)    0 /
Hollway, J.    1824 (102) 2 /
Stevens (2)    1 /
Roe (1)    1 /
Tilly, J.S.    1546 (126) 1 /
Biggs, F.    1668 (123) 0 /
Tilly, J.S.    1546 (126) 1 /
Wilkinson, F. (1)    1604 (122) 1 /
Tilly, J.S.    1546 (126) 0 /
Hollway, J.    1824 (102) 1 /
Ferriere, R.E.    1531 (182) 0 /
Macmichael    1770 (191) 2 /
Ferriere, R.E.    1531 (182) 0 /
Rodwell    1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Bristol - Bath Club Match
Place: Bath
Start date: 12 Jan. 1865
End date: 12 Jan. 1865
The report in the Chess Player's Magazine does not mention that Kennedy gave odds. That is made clear in the report in the Era. It is not clear whether or not there were two players named 'Biggs' playing for Bath, 'Biggs' played Holloway and 'F. Biggs' played Tilley. I am guessing that they are the same. The Wilkinson here may be the Wilkinson who played in the Counties Chess Association Tournament in Bath in 1884, but I am not sure.
   [CPM], vol. 1, no. 2, Feb. 1865, page 57
   [Era], vol. 27, no. 1374, 22 Jan. 1865, page 6

Tournament page created: 30 Oct. 2016