New York 1869 (4)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Mackenzie, George    2637 (43) 2 /
Thompson, James (1)    2194 (74) 0 /
  Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and move
Mackenzie, George    2637 (43) 2 /
Schaffer, Edward    1957 (132) 0 /
  Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and two moves
Ware, Preston    2335 (60) 2 /
Jones, William    2149 (76) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: New York Club Tournament
Place: New York
Start date: 17 Feb. 1869
End date: 17 Mar. 1869
Only partial results available. This was a double-round all-play-all with between 26 and 34 players, but many of the games were never played. Although van Winsen gives final scores for Mackenzie and Thompson, neither played anywhere near all their games, and which opponents they faced and which they did not is not at all clear, so these total scores cannot be used for rating. I use only the results of pairings for which the scores of both games are known (apart from possibly missing draws), and for which the odds are known.
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. III, page 30
   [Alb], 20 Feb. 1869
   [Alb], 20 Mar. 1869
   [Era], vol. 31, no. 1594, 11 Apr. 1869, page 5
   [PDEB], 5 Mar. 1869

Tournament information updated: 5 May 2020