New York 1919 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Marshall, Frank    2515 (51) 1 /
Schroeder, Mario    2101 (60) 0 /
Hodges, Albert B.    2282 (57) 0.5 /
Brunnemer, John    2237 (84) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Marshall's Chess Club - Brooklyn Club Match
Place: New York
Start date: 15 Feb. 1919
End date: 15 Feb. 1919
This was an 8-a-side team match. Hilbert and Lahde give only the results of the games Marshall-Schroeder and Hodges-Brunnemer. They do not specify which 'Schroeder' this was, but their index suggests that it was 'M. Schroeder'.
   Hilbert and Lahde, Albert Beauregard Hodges, page 316, 497

Tournament information updated: 6 Mar. 2021