Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Lulman, A. |
1863 | (75) |
3 | / | 5 |
Barrows, James |
1832 | (93) |
2 | / | 5 |
Simpson, William |
1840 | (103) |
3 | / | 3 |
Phillips, D.S. |
| |
0 | / | 3 |
North (1) |
1893 | (127) |
3 | / | 3 |
Cross, Richard |
1479 | (122) |
0 | / | 3 |
Trowell, T.J. |
1753 | (85) |
2.5 | / | 3 |
Runting, W.J. |
1704 | (77) |
0.5 | / | 3 |
Lulman, A. |
1863 | (75) |
3 | / | 4 |
Trowell, T.J. |
1753 | (85) |
1 | / | 4 |
North (1) |
1893 | (127) |
3 | / | 4 |
Simpson, William |
1840 | (103) |
1 | / | 4 |
Lulman, A. |
1863 | (75) |
1 | / | 1 |
North (1) |
1893 | (127) |
0 | / | 1 |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: Melbourne Club Minor Tournament |
Place: Melbourne |
Start date: Apr. 1870 |
End date: June 1870 |
Notes: |
Complete results for some of the matches was not found. The last score found for Trowell-Runting was +2-0=1, and Trowell eventually won, so he won a third game, but whether Runting won more or whether there were other draws is not clear, so I record only the last result given. The final between Lulman and North was won by Lulman but the score is not given, so I record it as 1-0 to be conservative. |
References |
Periodicals |
[MeL], vol. 17, no. 747, 23 Apr. 1870, page 11 |
[MeL], vol. 17, no. 748, 30 Apr. 1870, page 9 |
[MeL], vol. 17, no. 752, 28 May 1870, page 9 |
[MeL], vol. 17, no. 753, 4 June 1870, page 10 |
| |