San Francisco 1895 (4)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Thompson, George    2146 (59) 2.5 /
Samuels, Oscar    2136 (64) 1.5 /
Quiroga, V.Q.    1967 (59) 2.5 /
Palmer, S. (1)    1978 (65) 1.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Mechanic's Institute Tournament - First Class
Place: San Francisco
Start date: 1895
End date: 14 Nov. 1895
Only partial results available. The reports in the 9 Nov. 1895 and 16 Nov. 1895 issues of the San Francisco Call detail the results of the final pairings Thompson-Samuels and Quiroga-Palmer. In each case it was a match for the first to win 2 games. The nature of the full tournament is not specified. An earlier tournament in the same year was a double-round all-play-all, so this one seems to have had a different structure. The report says that Thompson won first prize, but that Quiroga and Samuels still had to play off for second prize. The date of the final game between Quiroga and Palmer is given as 14 Nov. 1895 ('on Thursday night'), but the tournament was not entirely finished, at least because of the play-off match. The San Francisco Call of 16 Nov. 1895 (p.11) says that Quiroga beat Palmer +2-1=1. The San Francisco Call of 10 Nov. 1895 (p.30) gives the result of Quiroga-Palmer as +1-1=2 to date. I will guess that the later result is correct.
   [SFCa], 9 Nov. 1895
   [SFCa], 10 Nov. 1895, page 30
   [SFCa], vol. 78, no. 169, 16 Nov. 1895, page 11

Tournament information updated: 22 Jul. 2021