Perth, Western Australia 1929

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Crakanthorp, Spencer    2283 (55) 8.5 / 10 
Younkman, Landau    2199 (84) 8.5 / 11 
Purdy, Cecil    2223 (49) 8.5 / 11 
Koshnitsky, Gregory    2220 (53) 8 / 11 
Gundersen, Gunnar    2125 (49) 7 / 10 
Hill, Bruce    1977 (76) 4.5 / 10 
Morris, Alfred    1922 (81) 4 / 10 
Sayers, James    1833 (67) 3 / 10 
O'Brien, J.    1753 (107) 2.5 / 10 
Coleman, Edward    1782 (84) 2 / 10 
Ryan, R.C.    1591 (98) 1 / 11 
Kinman, John    2195 (70) 1.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 15th Australian Championship
Place: Perth, Western Australia
Start date: 26 Dec. 1928
End date: 7 Jan. 1929
Di Felice shows results of 4 games by Kinman, against Younkman, Purdy, Koshnitsky and Ryan, the other games presumably not played, and scores against Kinman are not included in the official totals.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 230

Tournament page created: 27 Apr. 2021