Younkman, Landau


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1896  397  2114 (143) 1
1897  415  2111 (142) 1
1898  451  2105 (142) 0
1899  469  2099 (141) 0
1900  498  2092 (140) 1
1901  509  2094 (140) 0
1902  520  2096 (140) 0
1903  523  2098 (140) 0
1904  547  2100 (140) 0
1905  551  2102 (139) 0
1906  549  2104 (138) 0
1907  553  2106 (137) 0
1908  563  2108 (136) 0
1909  595  2110 (135) 0
1910  589  2112 (133) 0
1911  617  2114 (131) 0
1912  608  2116 (129) 1
1913  597  2118 (128) 0
1914  566  2120 (126) 0
1915  537  2123 (125) 0
1916  525  2125 (123) 0
1917  527  2127 (120) 0
1918  531  2129 (118) 0
1919  534  2132 (115) 0
1920  563  2134 (111) 0
1921  601  2136 (107) 0
1922  614  2139 (102) 0
1923  652  2141 (96) 0
1924  674  2143 (90) 6
1925  658  2154 (91) 0
1926  627  2165 (91) 0
1927  609  2176 (89) 0
1928  604  2187 (87) 0
1929  582  2198 (83) 11

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Younkman, Landau  
Born: 1876
Died: 11 Nov. 1929
Gaige gives birth between 12-11-1875 and 11-11-1876.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 342
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 473

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Younkman, L. - Sayers, J. (2) 1924         (f)     4   -   2

Tournament data

Sydney and Melbourne 1896     16th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Younkman, L. - Hall, G.B.     1 - 0    
Sydney and Melbourne 1897     17th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Younkman, L. - Lee, W.H. (1)     1 - 0    
Sydney and Melbourne 1900     20th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match    
  Younkman, L. - Taylour, H.     0.5 - 0.5    
Adelaide and Perth, Western Australia 1912     2nd South Australia - Western Australia Telegraphic Match    
  Younkman, L. - Coombe, E.H.     1 - 0    
Perth, Western Australia 1929     15th Australian Championship     8.5  /  11

Player information updated: 27 Apr. 2021