Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Burns, Andrew |
2282 | (69) |
3 | / | 3 |
Goldsmith, B. |
| |
0 | / | 3 |
Burns, Andrew gave odds of knight and move |
Hart, S. |
1780 | (202) |
3 | / | 4 |
Andrew, C. |
1599 | (183) |
1 | / | 4 |
Hart, S. gave odds of pawn and move |
A'Beckett, E.F. |
1869 | (75) |
3 | / | 3 |
Trowell, T.J. |
1695 | (89) |
0 | / | 3 |
Henderson, R.C. |
2019 | (110) |
3 | / | 4 |
Simpson, William |
1852 | (105) |
1 | / | 4 |
Baynes, George |
1933 | (84) |
1 | / | 4 |
Hammond, R.K. |
1873 | (77) |
3 | / | 4 |
Baynes, George gave odds of pawn and move |
Runting, W.J. |
1718 | (83) |
2 | / | 4 |
Myers, M. |
1517 | (118) |
2 | / | 4 |
Runting, W.J. gave odds of pawn and move |
Stephen, William |
2041 | (71) |
3.5 | / | 5 |
Colville, J.W. |
1668 | (129) |
1.5 | / | 5 |
Stephen, William gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Burns, Andrew |
2282 | (69) |
1 | / | 4 |
Stephen, William |
2041 | (71) |
3 | / | 4 |
Burns, Andrew gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Runting, W.J. |
1718 | (83) |
3 | / | 4 |
Lulman, A. |
1848 | (79) |
1 | / | 4 |
A'Beckett, E.F. |
1869 | (75) |
3.5 | / | 5 |
Hammond, R.K. |
1873 | (77) |
1.5 | / | 5 |
A'Beckett, E.F. |
1869 | (75) |
3 | / | 3 |
Runting, W.J. |
1718 | (83) |
0 | / | 3 |
A'Beckett, E.F. |
1869 | (75) |
3 | / | 5 |
Stephen, William |
2041 | (71) |
2 | / | 5 |
Stephen, William gave odds of pawn and move |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: Melbourne Handicap Challenge Cup Tournament |
Place: Melbourne |
Start date: 11 May 1874 |
End date: July 1874 |
Notes: |
This was a 16-player knockout tournament, with 3 games per pairing. The 16th player, Black, 'resigned' to Lulman in the first round without playing, so he is not included here. The last result I found for the Stephen-Colville match in the first round gives +2-1=1 for Stephen, who then appears in the next round, so I will guess that it finished +3-1=1. In the second round, Henderson forfeited to Hart without playing, and in the third round, Hart forfeited to Stephen without playing. |
References |
Periodicals |
[Aus], vol. 16, no. 423, 9 May 1874, page 588 |
[Aus], vol. 16, no. 424, 16 May 1874, page 620 |
[Aus], vol. 16, no. 425, 23 May 1874, page 652 |
[Aus], vol. 16, no. 426, 30 May 1874, page 684 |
[Aus], vol. 16, no. 427, 6 June 1874, page 716 |
[Aus], vol. 16, no. 428, 13 June 1874, page 748 |
[Aus], vol. 16, no. 429, 20 June 1874, page 780 |
[Aus], vol. 16, no. 430, 27 June 1874, page 813 |
[Aus], vol. 17, no. 431, 4 July 1874, page 13 |
[Aus], vol. 17, no. 432, 11 July 1874, page 44 |
[Aus], vol. 17, no. 433, 18 July 1874, page 77 |
[Aus], vol. 17, no. 434, 25 July 1874, page 109 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 957, 2 May 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 958, 9 May 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 960, 23 May 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 961, 30 May 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 962, 6 June 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 963, 13 June 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 964, 20 June 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 965, 27 June 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 966, 4 July 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 967, 11 July 1874, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 27, no. 968, 18 July 1874, page 6 |
[WP], vol. 7, no. 6, 1 Oct. 1874, page 106 |
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