Buenos Aires 1918 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Ruiz, Enrique    2068 (52) 0 /
Grau, Roberto    2267 (56) 2 /
Sharp, Sydney    2235 (49) 1 /
de Witt, Rodolfo    2076 (72) 1 /
López, Raúl    2022 (72) 1.5 /
Agthe, Luis    1988 (86) 0.5 /
Friedenberg, Rodolfo    2021 (55) 1 /
Ipata, Pedro    1986 (74) 1 /
Molina, Lizardo    2064 (55) 0.5 /
Nollmann, Jorge    2157 (62) 1.5 /
Laferriere, Arturo    0 /
Pérez, Pedro    2 /
Balbín, Francisco    1.5 /
de Berois, Aurelio    0.5 /
Ibáñez, Enrique    2156 (75) 2 /
Guastavino, Rafael    0 /
Montenegro, Antônio    1892 (84) 1 /
López, Manuel    1799 (163) 1 /
Lempelius, Fritz    0 /
Falcón, Enrique    2 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Club Argentino - Círculo de Ajedrez Match
Place: Buenos Aires
Start date: 12 Aug. 1918
End date: 13 Aug. 1918
Morgado gives the date as 12-08-1918; Sánchez gives the date as 13-08-1918. Perhaps it lasted two days (the previous year's match was played over 4 days).
   Morgado, Los años locos del ajedrez argentino, I, page 66
   Sánchez, Christian.  [Sydney Sharp en Buenos Aires, 1918]

Tournament page created: 3 Apr. 2022