Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Lulman, A. |
1877 | (80) |
3.5 | / | 5 |
Parker, A. (1) |
1450 | (134) |
1.5 | / | 5 |
Lulman, A. gave odds of knight for two moves |
Stephen, William |
2021 | (74) |
3 | / | 3 |
Smythe, T.F. |
| |
0 | / | 3 |
Stephen, William gave odds of knight and move |
Burns, Andrew |
2296 | (69) |
2.5 | / | 5 |
Connell, J.M. |
2171 | (94) |
2.5 | / | 5 |
Coates, E.J. |
2061 | (85) |
3.5 | / | 4 |
Runting, W.J. |
1703 | (89) |
0.5 | / | 4 |
Coates, E.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Fleming, A. |
2080 | (88) |
3.5 | / | 4 |
Trowell, T.J. |
1684 | (94) |
0.5 | / | 4 |
Fleming, A. gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Sedgefield, Sedgefield |
2173 | (76) |
3 | / | 3 |
Hodgkinson, P.C. |
| |
0 | / | 3 |
Sedgefield, Sedgefield gave odds of rook and move |
Hammond, R.K. |
1861 | (81) |
3 | / | 3 |
Hamel, Julius |
1870 | (102) |
0 | / | 3 |
Hamel, Julius gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Lulman, A. |
1877 | (80) |
3.5 | / | 4 |
Lush, G. |
1619 | (140) |
0.5 | / | 4 |
Stephen, William |
2021 | (74) |
3 | / | 5 |
Baynes, George |
1935 | (85) |
2 | / | 5 |
Burns, Andrew |
2296 | (69) |
3.5 | / | 5 |
Coates, E.J. |
2061 | (85) |
1.5 | / | 5 |
Burns, Andrew gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Sedgefield, Sedgefield |
2173 | (76) |
3 | / | 5 |
Hammond, R.K. |
1861 | (81) |
2 | / | 5 |
Sedgefield, Sedgefield gave odds of a knight |
Lulman, A. |
1877 | (80) |
3 | / | 3 |
Stephen, William |
2021 | (74) |
0 | / | 3 |
Stephen, William gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Burns, Andrew |
2296 | (69) |
3.5 | / | 5 |
Fleming, A. |
2080 | (88) |
1.5 | / | 5 |
Burns, Andrew gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Burns, Andrew |
2296 | (69) |
3 | / | 4 |
Sedgefield, Sedgefield |
2173 | (76) |
1 | / | 4 |
Lulman, A. |
1877 | (80) |
3 | / | 5 |
Burns, Andrew |
2296 | (69) |
2 | / | 5 |
Burns, Andrew gave odds of a knight |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: Melbourne Handicap Challenge Cup Tournament |
Place: Melbourne |
Start date: May 1875 |
End date: 12 Aug. 1875 |
Notes: |
In the first round, Lush won by default against E.C. Dunn, who did not play, and similarly, Baynes won by default against P.D. Phillips, who did not play. Connell gave up his match with Burns when the score was +2-2=1. Thus, Lush, Baynes, and Burns advanced to the second round. The score of the first-round match between Sedgefield and Hodgkinson was given as +2-0=0 for Sedgefield at one point, and then we are told that Sedgefield won, though the final score is not explicitly stated. I will assume that it was +3-0=0 for Sedgefield, since if Hodgkinson had won a game or even got a draw, it would likely have been mentioned. In the second round, Fleming got a bye; in the third round, Sedgefield got a bye; in the fourth round, Lulman got a bye. |
References |
Periodicals |
[Age], no. 6327, 18 May 1875, page 3 |
[Age], no. 6328, 19 May 1875, page 3 |
[Age], no. 6402, 13 Aug. 1875, page 3 |
[Aus], vol. 18, no. 477, 22 May 1875, page 653 |
[Aus], vol. 18, no. 478, 29 May 1875, page 685 |
[Aus], vol. 18, no. 479, 5 June 1875, page 717 |
[Aus], vol. 18, no. 480, 12 June 1875, page 749 |
[Aus], vol. 18, no. 481, 19 June 1875, page 780 |
[Aus], vol. 18, no. 482, 26 June 1875, page 813 |
[Aus], vol. 19, no. 483, 3 July 1875, page 13 |
[Aus], vol. 19, no. 484, 10 July 1875, page 44 |
[Aus], vol. 19, no. 485, 17 July 1875, page 76 |
[Aus], vol. 19, no. 486, 24 July 1875, page 108 |
[Aus], vol. 19, no. 487, 31 July 1875, page 140 |
[Aus], vol. 19, no. 488, 7 Aug. 1875, page 172 |
[Aus], vol. 19, no. 489, 14 Aug. 1875, page 204 |
[Aus], vol. 19, no. 490, 21 Aug. 1875, page 236 |
[CLCM], vol. 2, no. 8, Sep. 1875, page 230 |
[CLCM], vol. 2, no. 9, Oct. 1875, page 287 |
[CLCM], vol. 2, no. 10, Nov. 1875, page 296, 318 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1012, 22 May 1875, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1013, 29 May 1875, page 5 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1014, 5 June 1875, page 5 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1015, 12 June 1875, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1016, 19 June 1875, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1017, 26 June 1875, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1019, 10 July 1875, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1020, 17 July 1875, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1021, 24 July 1875, page 5 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1022, 31 July 1875, page 5 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1023, 7 Aug. 1875, page 6 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1024, 14 Aug. 1875, page 5 |
[MeL], vol. 28, no. 1025, 21 Aug. 1875, page 5 |
[WP], vol. 8, no. 6, 1 Oct. 1875, page 100 |
[WP], vol. 8, no. 7, 1 Nov. 1875, page 120 |
| |