New York 1891 (3)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Lipschütz, Salomon    2428 (39) 1 /
Mintz, Frederick    2051 (109) 0 /
Lipschütz, Salomon    2428 (39) 1 /
Dahl, Ellert    1918 (140) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Manhattan Club Full-haired - Bald-headed Match
Place: New York
Start date: 26 Sep. 1891
End date: 26 Sep. 1891
Only partial results available. A team match with 19 players on each side but with final score 14-11 for the bald-headed players. Lipschutz seems to have played (at least) three games, one against an unnamed player, which he lost intentionally (the winner had promised a basket of champagne if he won), and the two recorded here. The bald-headed team claimed the game Lipschutz-Dahl as a win for Dahl since Lipschutz had neglected to record the moves, but here for rating purposes, we of course record it as a win for Lipschutz. The International Chess Magazine of Aug. 1891 (apparently published after 26 Sep. 1891) says the the game Lipschutz-Mintz was a rapid-transit game. It is not clear whether all games were played at rapid time controls, or whether this game was just played particularly quickly. I generally don't include rapid-transit events, but will include this for now.
   Davies, Samuel Lipschütz, page 191
   [ICM], vol. 7, no. 8, Aug. 1891, page 251

Tournament page created: 2 Oct. 2022