Hamburg 1862

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Möller, J.C.W.    2225 (77) 3.5 /
Prinz, Ferd.    1802 (168) 0.5 /
Hornemann    2246 (73) 3.5 /
Zimmermann, C.Jul.    2103 (79) 1.5 /
Nyegaard, Theodor    2226 (73) 3.5 /
Schwabe, E.L.    1923 (108) 0.5 /
Birngruber, Joh.    2020 (98) 3 /
Cohen, Gottfried    1907 (136) 2 /
Geier, J.W.    2258 (75) 3 /
Muhle, G.W.    0 /
Dellevie, Heinr.    3 /
McDonald, Donald    2 /
Wiener, W.J.    2140 (81) 3 /
Boockholtz, A.    2008 (127) 2 /
Hamel, Adolph    2097 (75) 3 /
Hasché, Hans    2018 (73) 1 /
Cohen, Leopold    1907 (136) 3.5 /
Schick, E.    1830 (157) 2.5 /
Hartwig, Ernst    2267 (78) 3 /
Stephenson, C.C.    2037 (83) 2 /
Möller, J.C.W.    2225 (77) 3 /
Dellevie, Heinr.    0 /
Hornemann    2246 (73) 3.5 /
Wiener, W.J.    2140 (81) 2.5 /
Nyegaard, Theodor    2226 (73) 4 /
Hamel, Adolph    2097 (75) 1 /
Birngruber, Joh.    2020 (98) 3 /
Cohen, Leopold    1907 (136) 2 /
Geier, J.W.    2258 (75) 3 /
Hartwig, Ernst    2267 (78) 2 /
Möller, J.C.W.    2225 (77) 3 /
Birngruber, Joh.    2020 (98) 1 /
Hornemann    2246 (73) 3.5 /
Geier, J.W.    2258 (75) 1.5 /
Nyegaard, Theodor    2226 (73) 3 /
Birngruber, Joh.    2020 (98) 1 /
Hornemann    2246 (73) 3.5 /
Möller, J.C.W.    2225 (77) 2.5 /
Möller, J.C.W.    2225 (77) 3 /
Nyegaard, Theodor    2226 (73) 0 /
Möller, J.C.W.    2225 (77) 3 /
Hornemann    2246 (73) 2 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Hamburg Club Tournament
Place: Hamburg
Start date: 17 Jan. 1862
End date: 3 June 1862
This was a knock-out tournament, with each match for the first to win three games. I am guessing that the 'H. Hasche' who played here was the Manchester player of the 1850s.
   Langmann, Chronik des Hamburger Schachklubs, page 80, 87
   [Era], vol. 25, no. 1302, 6 Sep. 1863, page 14
   [SZ], vol. 18, no. 8, Aug. 1863, page 234, 235, 236

Tournament information updated: 6 Aug. 2024