Results |
Crosstable scores |
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Hartwig, Ernst |
2311 | (72) |
10 | / | 12 |
Nyegaard, Theodor |
2250 | (68) |
10 | / | 12 |
Geier, J.W. |
2279 | (69) |
9 | / | 12 |
Wiener, W.J. |
2141 | (75) |
7 | / | 12 |
Hamel, Adolph |
2106 | (70) |
6 | / | 12 |
Fredeking, Henry |
2096 | (87) |
6 | / | 12 |
Hasché, Hans |
2043 | (74) |
5.5 | / | 12 |
Möller, J.C.W. |
2188 | (78) |
5.5 | / | 12 |
Siemers, Eduard |
2031 | (88) |
5 | / | 12 |
Mozengel, Adolf |
2183 | (70) |
5 | / | 12 |
Zimmermann, C.Jul. |
2113 | (70) |
5 | / | 12 |
Stephenson, C.C. |
2025 | (75) |
3 | / | 12 |
Meyer, August |
1706 | (129) |
1 | / | 12 |
Match scores
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: Hamburg Club Tournament |
Place: Hamburg |
Start date: 28 Nov. 1862 |
End date: 17 Feb. 1863 |
Notes: |
This was a 13-player single-round all-play-all tournament. Draws did not count and had to be replayed, so I list the drawn games separately as match results, so that the main tournament totals are out of 12 games, but the draws are still used for rating purposes. Fredeking and Möller played one draw only, and never played for the win. So I count this draw as a half point each in the main tournament. Similarly, Fredeking and Hasche played three draws and and did not continue. So I count a half point each towards their totals in the main tournament, and list the other two draws as a separate match result. We are told that Hartwig and Geier played 4 draws before Hartwig finally won, so I record the draws separately as a match result. The total scores for each player show that the one remaining draw was between Nyegaard and Siemers. There was a play-off game between Hartwig and Nyegaard, who tied for first, won by Hartwig, which is also listed here as a match result. W. Hornemann, S. Dietrich, and Dr. Amsinck started but the first two of these withdrew from the tournament on 9 Dec. 1862, while the third withdrew on 9 Jan. 1863, and whatever results they might have had up to their withdrawals are not recorded. |
References |
Books |
Langmann, Chronik des Hamburger Schachklubs, page 97 |
Periodicals |
[CPM], vol. 1, no. 5, Nov. 1863, page 138 |
[Era], vol. 25, no. 1302, 6 Sep. 1863, page 14 |
[SZ], vol. 18, no. 8, Aug. 1863, page 234, 237 |
| |