Prague 1943 (3)

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Hromádka, Karel    2349 (32) 15.5 / 17 
Havlíček (1)    2214 (45) 12 / 17 
Vacek    2171 (54) 11 / 17 
Choděra, Miroslav    2226 (48) 10.5 / 17 
Votoček    2170 (45) 9.5 / 16 
Burian, Josef    2146 (50) 9.5 / 17 
Maximovič, E.    2218 (53) 9.5 / 17 
Runza, Josef    2207 (39) 9.5 / 17 
Sik    2165 (48) 9.5 / 17 
Bartošek, Milan    2175 (35) 8 / 16 
Podgorný, Jiří    2185 (34) 9 / 17 
Dolínek    2103 (43) 6.5 / 16 
Svačina, J.    2050 (52) 6.5 / 17 
Dobiáš, Josef    2139 (37) 6 / 17 
Kračmar, Jindřich    2035 (52) 6 / 17 
Schmidt (6)    2056 (50) 5.5 / 17 
Hovorka, V.    1951 (71) 4.5 / 17 
Kania    1941 (56) 2.5 / 16 

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 19th Kautsky Memorial Tournament
Place: Prague
Start date: 1942
End date: 1943
Dolinek forfeited to Votocek, and Kania forfeited to Bartosek. Di Felice has 'Burian, L.' here, but Ludvík Burian died in 1941, so this was probably Josef Burian.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1941-1946, page 92

Tournament information updated: 17 Dec. 2024