Runza, Josef


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1927  591  2182 (48) 19
1928  509  2213 (45) 7
1929  492  2222 (39) 22
1930  524  2216 (41) 15
1931  712  2180 (47) 13
1932  704  2182 (60) 0
1933  718  2184 (68) 0
1934  719  2186 (73) 0
1935  750  2188 (75) 0
1936  709  2190 (76) 0
1937  672  2192 (75) 0
1938  641  2194 (71) 0
1939  574  2196 (66) 0
1940  515  2198 (56) 0
1941  469  2200 (41) 24
1942  443  2197 (40) 20
1943  386  2207 (39) 17
1944  323  2230 (37) 31
1945  318  2235 (44) 13
1946  307  2231 (49) 14

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Runza, Josef  
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 336
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1931-1935, page 401
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1941-1946, page 358
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 228
   [Josef Runza]

Tournament data

Ceske Budejovice 1927 (3)     10th Czech Chess Association Congress - Major Tournament C     5.5  /  8
Prague 1927 (3)     4th Prague City Championship     4  /  11
Prague 1928 (3)     Prague Tournament     4.5  /  7
Brno 1929 (2)     11th Congress of the ÚJČŠ - Final     6.5  /  11
Prague 1929 (2)     6th Prague City Championship     6  /  11
Prague 1930 (3)     7th Prague City Championship     8  /  15
Prague 1931 (14)     Prague Tournament     5  /  13
Prague 1941 (1)     17th Kautsky Memorial Tournament     6  /  15
Prague 1941 (2)     17th Prague Championship     5  /  9
Prague 1942 (2)     Prague Tournament     7  /  9
Prague 1942 (3)     18th Prague Championship     5  /  11
Prague 1943 (3)     19th Kautsky Memorial Tournament     9.5  /  17
Brno 1944     18th Czechoslovakia Championship     5.5  /  14
Prague 1944 (3)     20th Kautsky Memorial Tournament     11  /  17
Prague 1945 (2)     Jelinek Memorial Tournament     9  /  13
Moravska Ostrava 1946 (1)     19th Czechsolovakia Championship     6  /  14

Player information updated: 17 Dec. 2024