Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Mackenzie, George |
2634 | (38) |
2 | / | 2 |
Thompson, James (1) |
2184 | (76) |
0 | / | 2 |
Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and move |
Mackenzie, George |
2634 | (38) |
1 | / | 2 |
Jones, William |
2179 | (76) |
1 | / | 2 |
Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and move |
Mackenzie, George |
2634 | (38) |
2 | / | 2 |
Lissner, B. |
| |
0 | / | 2 |
Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and move |
Barnett, James |
2341 | (59) |
1 | / | 1 |
Ware, Preston |
2353 | (51) |
0 | / | 1 |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: New York Chess Club Tournament |
Place: New York |
Start date: 1 Dec. 1869 |
End date: 25 Jan. 1870 |
Notes: |
Only partial results available. Although van Winsen gives final scores for Mackenzie (19/22), Barnett (17/22) and Ware (16/21), we don't know how many opponents they had, or even whether they played the same opponents. This was a double-round all-play-all but the number of players is not known, and if larger than 12, then a full quota of games would have been more than 22. The Illustrated London News of 12 Feb. 1870 (p.186) says that Barnett and Ware were tied at 16/21 and so had to play off for second and third prize. The 26 Feb. 1870 issue (p.235) indicates that after the play-off Barnett's scores was 17/22, the final score given by van Winsen. Thus, I am supposing that they had already played their two games, but played another one to break the tie. I am also guessing that Barnett and Ware would have played even. I record here only the result of this play-off game, and the result of pairings for which scores of both games are known (apart from possibly missing draws). |
References |
Books |
van Winsen, James Mason in America, page 287 |
van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. IV, page 14 |
Periodicals |
[Alb], 4 Dec. 1869 |
[Alb], 11 Dec. 1869 |
[BLL], vol. 32, no. 1634, 16 Jan. 1870, page 7 |
[Era], vol. 32, no. 1638, 13 Feb. 1870, page 4 |
[Era], vol. 32, no. 1640, 27 Feb. 1870, page 4 |
[ILN], vol. 56, no. 1580, 12 Feb. 1870, page 186 |
[ILN], vol. 56, no. 1582, 26 Feb. 1870, page 235 |
[NYC], 15 Jan. 1870 |
[PDEB], 4 Feb. 1870 |
[SoT], 29 Jan. 1870 |
[TFF], 21 Jan. 1870 |
[TFF], 28 Jan. 1870 |
| |