Leeds 1901

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Shaw, John    1974 (99) 1 /
Musgrove, John    1895 (127) 0 /
Burn, Amos    2554 (44) 1 /
Hall, John    1875 (100) 0 /
Carroll, Francis    1766 (135) 0 /
Atkinson, Walter    2127 (101) 1 /
Dod, Anthony    2326 (56) 0 /
Wildman, Frank    2233 (98) 1 /
Blake, Percy    2099 (97) 0.5 /
Turnbull, William    2083 (123) 0.5 /
Wellington, Samuel    2151 (79) 0.5 /
Guy, John    2063 (97) 0.5 /
Kenrick, John    2244 (167) 1 /
Wright, Frederick    1977 (115) 0 /
Spedding, Frederick    2308 (67) 1 /
Denham, Alfred    1942 (171) 0 /
Palmer, Wilfred    2239 (59) 0.5 /
Philip, Robert    2193 (103) 0.5 /
Rutherford, Arthur    1971 (76) 1 /
Harrison, George    1804 (162) 0 /
Wallwork, Charles    1983 (83) 0 /
North, William    1835 (147) 1 /
Haines, Arthur    2136 (145) 1 /
Woollard, Joseph    2096 (79) 0 /
Wahltuch, Victor    2283 (65) 1 /
Brown, Isaac    1782 (140) 0 /
Cairns, James    2167 (84) 0.5 /
Shields, James    1997 (161) 0.5 /
Holt, M.    1 /
Howell, Frederick    0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Lancashire - Yorkshire County Match
Place: Leeds
Start date: 23 Mar. 1901
End date: 23 Mar. 1901
Only partial results available. This was a 23-a-side team match. Forster gives results for only 15 boards. The games Shaw-Musgrove, Kenrick-Wright, Spedding-Denham and Cairns-Shields were adjudicated by Lasker.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 467