Lowe, E. – Delannoy, A. 1856

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Löwe, Edward    2256 (62) 1/1 
Delannoy, Alphonse    2229 (73) 0/1 
  Löwe, Edward gave odds of pawn and move
Status: soft result (plausible score)

Event table notes

Event data
Place: London, England
Start date: Oct. 1856
End date: Oct. 1856
During a visit to London, Delannoy played Lowe, who 'perfectly beat him at Pawn and Move.' Although Delannoy does not report how many games they played (perhaps only one?) his statement makes it pretty clear that he lost badly, so I will use a 1-0 soft result here.
   [Reg], no. 11, 15 Nov. 1856, page 329

Match page created: 28 Apr. 2014