Morphy, P.C. – Delannoy, A. 1858

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Morphy, Paul    2798 (29) 4/
Delannoy, Alphonse    2260 (61) 0/
  Morphy, Paul gave odds of pawn and two moves
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Paris
Start date: 1858
End date: Oct. 1858
Lawson connects this series of games with a subsequent series of games at Knight odds, reported in the New Orleans Sunday Delta of 13 Mar. 1859, but Lange says they were played in the autumn of 1858, and L&oum;wenthal's report in the Era shows that they were played before the end of October 1858 (but possibly in September).
   Edge, Exploits of Morphy, page 202
   Lange and Falkbeer, Paul Morphy Sketch, page 209
   Lawson, Paul Morphy, page 157
   [BLL], 21 Nov. 1858, page 3
   [CMNY], vol. 2, no. 12, Dec. 1858, page 381
   [CMNY], vol. 3, no. 6, June 1859, page 199
   [Era], vol. 21, no. 1049, 31 Oct. 1858, page 5
   [Era], vol. 21, no. 1055, 12 Dec. 1858, page 5
   [NYC], 18 Dec. 1858
   [SoT], 18 Dec. 1858
   [ST], no. 1859, 5 Dec. 1858, page 10

Match information updated: 23 Aug. 2019