Deschapelles, A.L.H.L. – Lewis, W. 1821

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Deschapelles, Alexandre    2632 (99) 1/
Lewis, William    2541 (113) 2/
  Deschapelles, Alexandre gave odds of pawn and move
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Paris
Start date: Apr. 1821
End date: May 1821
The account in the Chess Player's Magazine of Sept. 1863 (p.96) is badly garbled and confused with other events.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 2
   Golombek, Golombek's Encyclopedia, page 85
   Hooper and Whyld, Oxford Companion (1st ed.), page 88, 184
   Murray, History of Chess, page 878
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 27
   Utterberg, De la Bourdonnais versus McDonnell, page 11
   Walker, Chess Studies, page 78
   Walker, A Selection of Games at Chess, page 273
   [BLL], 20 Sep. 1835, page 2
   [BLL], 3 July 1836, page 2
   [BLL], 4 Dec. 1836, page 3
   [CPC], vol. 1, no. 1, 1 May 1841, page 9
   [CPC], vol. 2, no. 23, 2 Apr. 1842, page 358
   [CPC], vol. 2, no. 24, 9 Apr. 1842, page 369
   [CPM], vol. 1, no. 3, Sep. 1863, page 96
   [LiM], vol. 29, no. 1464, 31 May 1839, page 178
   [MaSZ], vol. 1, no. 9, Apr. 1850, page 140
   [Pal], vol. 1, no. 7, 15 Sep. 1836, page 226
   [Pal], vol. 1, no. 9, 15 Nov. 1836, page 318
   [PDEB], 11 Jan. 1867
   [Sis], vol. 2, 1848, page 300
   [SZ], vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 1848, page 163
   [SZ], vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1855, page 16
   Alberti, Marco A.  [Alexandre Louis Honoré Lebreton Deschapelles]
   Edwards, Rod.  ['Le temps des combats de géants']
   Lewis, William.  [A Letter from Lewis]
   Metzner, Paul.  [Philidor and the Café de la Régence Chess Masters]
   Sarah.  [Deschapelles]
   Sarah.  [France - Deschapelles]
   Sarah.  [William Lewis]
   Sarah.  [William Lewis]
   Sericano, C.  [I grandi matches fino al 1849]
   Walker, G.  [Deschapelles the Chess-King (from Chess and Chess-Players)]

Match information updated: 22 Aug. 2023