Fernández Avellán, Pascual


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1926  1243  1962 (66) 16
1927  1318  1942 (72) 0
1928  1329  1923 (76) 0
1929  1364  1903 (77) 0
1930  1425  1883 (77) 0
1931  1510  1863 (75) 0
1932  1542  1844 (71) 13

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Fernández Avellán, Pascual  
   Also known as: Dr. Fernández Avellán; Pascual Fernández de Avellán
Gaige and Di Felice have 'F. Avellan'. The Historia del Ajedrez Español website has 'Fernández Avellán' and Travesset has 'Dr. Fernández Avellán'. Cordero Fernández has 'Pascual Fernández de Avellán'. Is this the 'E. Fernández Avellán' who appears in the 4 May 1935 issue of ABC de Sevilla, in a list of people who submitted correct solutions to problems?
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 131
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables IV, page 693
   [ABCS], 4 May 1935, page 40
   Cordero Fernández, Javier.  [El precursor de tantas cosas: Torneo de Zaragoza 1919]
   Cordero Fernández, Javier.  [Torneo de Barcelona 1926]
   Travesset, Joaquim.  [Torneo de Barcelona 1926... Joan Bertrán Casals, la FIDE y otras cosas]
   Travesset, Joaquim.  [Torneo Nacional de Ajedrez de Barcelona 1926]

Tournament data

Zaragoza 1926     Zaragoza National Tournament     4  /  6
Barcelona 1926 (4)     Barcelona National Tournament     3  /  10
Valencia, Spain 1932     Spanish Championship Semi-Final     3.5  /  13

Player information updated: 1 Feb. 2023