Walter, Hermann


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1897  643  1991 (72) 10
1898  604  2024 (73) 0
1899  563  2056 (71) 0
1900  509  2088 (66) 3
1901  474  2110 (61) 0
1902  444  2133 (52) 29
1903  431  2142 (59) 0
1904  446  2150 (62) 0
1905  437  2159 (60) 0
1906  420  2168 (54) 18
1907  407  2182 (64) 0
1908  390  2197 (69) 0
1909  378  2211 (72) 0
1910  345  2226 (73) 0
1911  322  2240 (72) 0
1912  284  2255 (68) 0
1913  256  2269 (61) 11
1914  258  2263 (69) 0
1915  254  2257 (73) 0
1916  258  2250 (75) 0
1917  268  2244 (75) 0
1918  279  2237 (73) 0
1919  298  2231 (69) 0
1920  324  2225 (61) 11
1921  316  2236 (67) 0
1922  302  2247 (69) 0
1923  298  2258 (69) 8

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Walter, Hermann August Eduard Georg  
Born: 16 Mar. 1866
Died: 1 May 1954
Hilbert (in his book on Napier, pp.91-92) gives 3 games played against Napier in Berlin in 1900. Was this the same 'Walter'? Dates of birth and death from official records sent by Alan McGowan. There was also a Berthold Walter of Wilmersdorf active in the 1920s, and it is possible that some events attributed to Hermann Walter should be attributed to Berthold Walter.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 234
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 320
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 14
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables IV, page 536
   McGowan, Kurt Richter, page 368
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 291
   [BCM], 1903, page 406
   [DSZ], Sep. 1897, page 278
   [DSZ], Mar. 1903, page 94
   [DSZ], Apr. 1905, page 124
   [DSZ], vol. 65, no. 6, June 1910, page 186

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Napier, W.E. - Walter, H.A.E.G. 1900         (f)     2   -   1
Wagner, F. - Walter, H.A.E.G. 1902         (f)     5   -   3

Tournament data

Berlin 1897 (3)     Berliner Schachgesellschaft 70th Anniversary Congress - Hauptturnier B     1  /  10
Berlin 1902 (1)     Berlin Chess Club Winter Tournament - Class I     9  /  11
  Walter, H.A.E.G. - Wagner, A.R.     3 - 5    
Berlin 1902 (9)     Berlin Summer Tournament - Section II     5  /  7
Berlin 1902 (10)     1st Tournament of the General Chess Federation of Berlin     1.5  /  7
Berlin 1906 (2)     Berlin Club Winter Tournament     13  /  18
Berlin 1906 (3)     Berlin Club Quadrangular Tournament     5.5  /  12
Leipzig 1913 (1)     Leipzig Tournament     7.5  /  11
Berlin 1920 (6)     20th German Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier 3     6  /  11
Berlin 1923 (7)     Berlin - Prague and Brno Team Tournament     5  /  8

Player information updated: 17 Dec. 2024