Laws, Benjamin


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1882  371  2065 (77) 10
1883  434  2039 (83) 1
1884  506  2018 (89) 0
1885  540  1996 (94) 1
1886  566  1980 (99) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Laws, Benjamin Glover  
   Also known as: S. Green; C. Hill; C. Horn; I.S. Lington; N.R.S.; Handley Rhodes
Born: 6 Feb. 1861
Died: 21 Sep. 1931
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 241
   Gilberg, Fifth American Chess Congress, page 409
   Harding, Eminent Victorian Chess Players, page 309
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 176, 209, 535, 577
   Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 120
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 133
   [BCM], vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 1885, page 68
   Harding, Tim.  [The Family Life of Grandmaster Gunsberg], page 4

Tournament data

London, England 1882 (2)     City of London Club 3rd Class - 4th Class Match    
  Laws, B.G. - Block, T.     0 - 1          Block, T. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1882 (5)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Laws, B.G. - Wainwright, G.E.     1 - 0    
London, England 1882 (6)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Laws, B.G. - Wainwright, G.E.     0 - 2    
London, England 1882 (8)     City of London Club Handicap    
  Laws, B.G. - Long, H.D.     1 - 0    
  Laws, B.G. - Maczuski, A.L.     2 - 1          Maczuski, A.L. gave odds of a knight
  Laws, B.G. - Piper, T.H.J.D.     2 - 0          Piper, T.H.J.D. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1883 (2)     City of London Club 3rd Class - Cambridge University Club Match    
  Laws, B.G. - Kuchler, G.W.     0 - 1    
London, England 1885 (2)     City of London - Saint George's Club Match    
  Laws, B.G. - Gover, F.F.     0 - 1    
London, England 1886 (1)     City of London - Saint George's Club Match    
  Laws, B.G. - Burroughs, F.C.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 5 May 2020