Piper, Thomas


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1882  148  2234 (59) 7
1883  152  2254 (50) 25
1884  165  2253 (63) 0
1885  171  2253 (72) 0
1886  170  2252 (79) 0
1887  179  2251 (84) 0
1888  188  2251 (87) 0
1889  186  2250 (89) 0
1890  202  2250 (91) 0
1891  200  2249 (91) 0
1892  209  2248 (90) 0
1893  206  2248 (88) 0
1894  209  2247 (85) 0
1895  213  2247 (80) 0
1896  207  2246 (74) 32
1897  206  2248 (78) 0
1898  218  2250 (80) 12
1899  229  2241 (82) 7
1900  238  2237 (88) 0
1901  246  2232 (94) 0
1902  269  2228 (98) 0
1903  285  2223 (102) 0
1904  300  2219 (105) 0
1905  319  2215 (107) 0
1906  332  2210 (109) 0
1907  359  2206 (110) 0
1908  378  2201 (111) 0
1909  406  2197 (111) 0
1910  397  2193 (111) 0
1911  433  2188 (110) 0
1912  441  2184 (109) 0
1913  439  2179 (107) 0
1914  419  2175 (105) 6
1915  398  2175 (109) 0
1916  392  2176 (114) 0
1917  396  2176 (117) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Piper, Thomas Harry James Day  
Born: 30 Jan. 1857
Died: 26 Nov. 1938
Harding has 'Thomas Henry Piper', as does the BCCF E-mail Bulletin; Stephen Wright has 'Thomas Harry James Day Piper'.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 230
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 174, 176, 547
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 188
   Winter, Kings, Commoners and Knaves, page 142
   [ILN], vol. 72, no. 2021, 23 Mar. 1878, page 279
   Cohen, David.  [Canadian Chess: Thomas Piper]
   Donaldson, John.  [History of the MI Chess Room]
   Winter, Edward.  [Kasparov, Karpov and the Scotch]
   Wright, Stephen.  [BCCF E-mail Bulletin #5], page 4
   Wright, Stephen.  [BCCF E-mail Bulletin #93], page 4
   Wright, Stephen.  [Founding of the Victoria Chess Club]
   Wright, Stephen.  [Historical Who's Who of B.C. Chess Personalia]
   Wright, Stephen.  [A Tale of Three Cities: the 1895 Pacific Cable Matches]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Piper, T.H.J.D. - Babson, J.N. 1896         (f)     7   -   2
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Punchard, C. 1896         (f)     4   -   1
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Chapman, W.C. 1896         (f)     12.5   -   5.5
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Dickey, W.A. 1898         (c)     7.5   -   1.5
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Peterson, A.F. 1898         (c)     2   -   1
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Lund, H.B. 1899         (c)     4.5   -   2.5
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Adams, E.B. (2) 1914         (f)     4   -   2
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Gibbs (1) 1914         (f)     2   -   0
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Fink, A.J. 1917         (c)     1   -   0
Piper, T.H.J.D. - Putkzer 1917         (c)     2   -   0

Tournament data

London, England 1882 (2)     City of London Club 3rd Class - 4th Class Match    
  Piper, T.H.J.D. - Ridpath, E.     0 - 1          Piper, T.H.J.D. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1882 (8)     City of London Club Handicap    
  Piper, T.H.J.D. - Giuliano, J.     1 - 0          Piper, T.H.J.D. gave odds of a knight
  Piper, T.H.J.D. - Chappell, W.T.     1 - 0    
  Piper, T.H.J.D. - Blackburne, J.H.     1.5 - 1.5          Blackburne, J.H. gave odds of pawn and two moves
  Piper, T.H.J.D. - Laws, B.G.     0 - 2          Piper, T.H.J.D. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1883 (6)     Vizayanagaram Tournament     16  /  25

Player information updated: 22 Jul. 2021