Griffith, Richard


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1896  314  2172 (162) 1
1897  293  2186 (158) 0
1898  291  2200 (155) 0
1899  283  2213 (152) 0
1900  264  2227 (148) 0
1901  242  2241 (144) 0
1902  231  2254 (139) 0
1903  209  2268 (135) 0
1904  202  2282 (130) 0
1905  182  2295 (125) 0
1906  166  2309 (119) 0
1907  149  2323 (113) 0
1908  132  2337 (106) 0
1909  119  2350 (98) 0
1910  101  2364 (89) 1
1911  96  2378 (80) 1
1912  86  2390 (69) 12
1913  101  2370 (75) 1
1914  103  2356 (80) 0
1915  113  2342 (83) 0
1916  132  2328 (85) 0
1917  145  2314 (86) 0
1918  171  2300 (85) 0
1919  189  2285 (83) 0
1920  226  2271 (79) 0
1921  272  2257 (74) 6
1922  284  2258 (78) 0
1923  296  2260 (81) 0
1924  304  2261 (83) 0
1925  316  2262 (83) 1
1926  299  2272 (83) 9
1927  318  2274 (91) 0
1928  318  2276 (97) 0
1929  317  2278 (102) 0
1930  319  2281 (107) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Griffith, Richard Clewin  
Born: 22 July 1872
Died: 11 Dec. 1955
Hooper & Whyld give birth year as 1875 on p.173 of the first edition of the Oxford Companion to Chess, but 1872 on p.208. Gaige gives birth date as 22-07-1872.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 180
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 324
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 960
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 150
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 241, 575
   Hooper and Whyld, Oxford Companion (1st ed.), page 173, 208
   Hooper and Brandreth, Unknown Capablanca, page 109
   King, Sultan Khan, page 242
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 93
   Winter, A Chess Omnibus, page 165
   Saunders, John.  [Britbase Chess Archive : Material from the 1920s - Part 1]

Tournament data

London, England 1896 (3)     North of the Thames - South of the Thames Match    
  Griffith, R.C. - Banks, H.J.     0.5 - 0.5    
Leicester 1910     City of London Club - Manchester Club Match    
  Griffith, R.C. - Turner, W.     1 - 0    
London, England 1911 (1)     City of London - North Manchester Club Match    
  Griffith, R.C. - Sutcliffe, M.     1 - 0    
Richmond, London 1912 (1)     British Championship Team - Major Open Team Match    
  Griffith, R.C. - Waterman, J.C.     1 - 0    
Richmond, London 1912 (2)     9th British Chess Federation Congress - Championship     8  /  11
Rugby 1913     City of London Club - Midland Counties Chess Union Match    
  Griffith, R.C. - McCarthy, F.     1 - 0    
Hastings 1921 (1)     1st Hastings Christmas Congress - British Champions' Tournament     1.5  /  6
Leeds 1925     English Counties Championship Final Match: Middlesex - Yorkshire    
  Griffith, R.C. - Dale, E.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England 1926 (1)     3rd London Chess League Congress     7.5  /  9
London, England 1930 (3)     Empire Social Club - Sir Umar Hayat Khan's Team Match    
  Griffith, R.C. - Sultan Khan, M.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 15 Jun. 2021