Scott, Roland


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1912  346  2228 (48) 12
1913  303  2248 (39) 22
1914  262  2260 (36) 29
1915  219  2276 (38) 26
1916  228  2272 (43) 16
1917  198  2283 (50) 0
1918  182  2293 (49) 0
1919  156  2304 (39) 21
1920  154  2313 (32) 40
1921  190  2300 (30) 55
1922  239  2279 (36) 20
1923  228  2290 (41) 11
1924  258  2281 (45) 11
1925  360  2247 (52) 0
1926  477  2212 (53) 9
1927  480  2221 (58) 10

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Scott, Roland Henry Vaughan  
Born: 25 Mar. 1888
Died: 10 Jan. 1953
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 316
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 337
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 382
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 486, 580
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 254
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 243
   Saunders, John.  [Britbase Chess Archive : Material from the 1920s - Part 1]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Thomas, G.A. - Scott, R.H.V. 1915         (f)     4   -   2
Estrin, L.I. - Scott, R.H.V. 1915         (f)     5.5   -   4.5
Scott, R.H.V. - Estrin, L.I. 1916         (f)     4   -   2
Scott, R.H.V. - O'Hanlon, J.J. 1920         (f)     1   -   1
Scott, R.H.V. - Marchand, M. 1920         (f)     3   -   3

Tournament data

Richmond, London 1912 (1)     British Championship Team - Major Open Team Match    
  Scott, R.H.V. - Hamond, F.E.     0 - 1    
Richmond, London 1912 (3)     9th British Chess Federation Tournament - Major Open     6  /  11
Cheltenham 1913 (1)     10th British Chess Federation Congress - Championship     4  /  11
Rugby 1913     City of London Club - Midland Counties Chess Union Match    
  Scott, R.H.V. - Morris, F.H.     1 - 0    
London, England 1913 (3)     23rd City of London Club Championship - Preliminary Section C     6.5  /  11
Chester 1914 (1)     11th British Chess Federation Congress - Championship     5.5  /  10
London, England 1914 (2)     24th City of London Club Championship - Preliminary Section A     8.5  /  12
London, England 1914 (4)     24th City of London Club Championship - Final     1  /  7
London, England 1915     City of London Club Championship     6.5  /  10
London, England 1916 (2)     26th City of London Club Championship     5  /  10
Hastings 1919 (1)     British Chess Federation Special Victory Congress - Chief Tournament     4.5  /  11
London, England 1919 (2)     Metropolitan Chess Club Championship     3.5  /  6
  Scott, R.H.V. - Cole, H.G.     2 - 2    
Bromley 1920 (4)     17th Kent County Chess Association Congress - Preliminary Section D     4.5  /  5
Bromley 1920 (7)     17th Kent County Chess Association Congress - Final Section A     1.5  /  5
Edinburgh 1920 (2)     13th British Chess Federation Congress - Championship     9  /  11
London, England 1920     30th City of London Club Championship     4.5  /  11
Hastings 1921 (1)     1st Hastings Christmas Congress - British Champions' Tournament     3.5  /  6
Broadstairs 1921 (1)     16th Kent County Chess Association Congress - Preliminary Section A     3  /  5
Broadstairs 1921 (9)     16th Kent County Chess Association Congress - Final Section C     2  /  4
Malvern 1921 (3)     14th British Chess Federation Congress - Championship     6.5  /  11
Hastings 1921 (3)     2nd Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament     2.5  /  7
London, England 1921 (3)     31st City of London Chess Club Championship     6.5  /  11
London, England 1921 (4)     Metropolitan Chess Club Championship     9  /  12
London, England 1922 (2)     British Chess Federation Congress - Major Open Tournament     4.5  /  11
London, England 1922 (5)     City of London Club Championship     4  /  9
Portsmouth 1923 (2)     16th British Chess Federation Congress - Championship     7  /  11
Southport 1924 (1)     17th British Chess Federation Congress - Championship     6.5  /  11
Hyeres 1926     Hyères Tournament     3  /  9
Hyeres 1927     Hyères Tournament     6  /  10

Player information updated: 8 Aug. 2021