Palmer, Solon


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1880  525  1859 (67) 13
1881  579  1879 (60) 0
1882  590  1899 (49) 20
1883  592  1931 (46) 16
1884  757  1874 (41) 34
1885  787  1816 (47) 20

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Palmer, Solon  
Is this the 'S.S. Palmer' (if my reading of a bad copy at the Jack O'Keefe archive is correct) mentioned in the New York Clipper of 19 Aug. 1871?
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 230
   Gilberg, Fifth American Chess Congress, page 154, 499
   Hilbert, Writings in Chess History, page 68, 429
   [BCC], vol. 2, no. 2, 15 Nov. 1883, page 19
   [NYC], 19 Aug. 1871

Tournament data

New York 1880 (2)     5th American Chess Congress - Minor Tourney     2.5  /  13
New York 1882     Manhattan Club Tournament     5.5  /  20      odds player in pawn and two moves class
New York 1883     5th Manhattan Chess Club Championship     6.5  /  16
New York 1884 (1)     6th Manhattan Club Handicap     9  /  34      received odds from first class
New York 1885 (1)     Manhattan Club Handicap Tournament     5.5  /  20      received odds from first class

Player information updated: 6 Oct. 2024