Hart, C.R.


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1872  650  1469 (138) 36
1873  677  1485 (139) 24

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Hart, C.R.  
   Also known as: Dr. C.R. Hart; Rusticus
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. VI, page 115
   [DCJ], vol. 5, no. 39, May 1873, page 240
   [HWT], 18 May 1872
   [HWT], 1 June 1872
   [HWT], 28 Sep. 1872
   [HWT], 30 Nov. 1872
   [HWT], 28 June 1873
   [HWT], 12 July 1873
   [HWT], 11 Oct. 1873
   [HWT], 15 Nov. 1873
   [HWT], 29 Nov. 1873
   [SoT], 25 Oct. 1873

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

O'Farrell, P. - Hart, C.R. 1872 (1)         (f)     9   -   10      O'Farrell, P. gave odds of a knight
O'Farrell, P. - Hart, C.R. 1872 (2)         (f)     5   -   1      O'Farrell, P. gave odds of pawn and two moves
O'Farrell, P. - Hart, C.R. 1872 (3)         (f)     2   -   1      O'Farrell, P. gave odds of pawn and two moves
O'Farrell, P. - Hart, C.R. 1872 (4)         (f)     1   -   2      O'Farrell, P. gave odds of a rook
O'Farrell, P. - Hart, C.R. 1873 (1)         (f)     1   -   2      O'Farrell, P. gave odds of a knight
O'Farrell, P. - Hart, C.R. 1873 (2)         (f)     1   -   2      O'Farrell, P. gave odds of pawn and two moves
O'Farrell, P. - Hart, C.R. 1873 (3)         (f)     3.5   -   0.5      O'Farrell, P. gave odds of pawn and move
O'Farrell, P. - Hart, C.R. 1873 (4)         (f)     2   -   0

Tournament data

Hartford 1872     Springfield - Hartford Match    
  Hart, C.R. - Bangs, S.A.     2 - 3    
Springfield 1872     Springfield - Hartford Match    
  Hart, C.R. - Beugless     1 - 0    
Hartford 1873     Hartford Club Handicap     5  /  23      odds player in pawn and two moves class

Player information updated: 30 Jul. 2023