Ottawa 1875

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Jackson, George    2305 (84) 7 /
White, John    2155 (68) 4.5 /
Howe, Henry    2231 (69) 6 /
Andrews, Ferdinand    2109 (76) 4.5 /
Lambert, François-Xavier    2006 (82) 3.5 /
Hurlburt, Jesse    2121 (72) 4 /
Baker, Godfrey    1843 (119) 1.5 /
Henderson, John (1)    1908 (68) 0.5 /
de Boucherville, J.N.    1853 (118) 0.5 /
Phillipps, Thomas    2006 (81) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 4th Canadian Chess Association Congress
Place: Ottawa
Start date: 17 Aug. 1875
End date: 21 Aug. 1875
Di Felice calls this the 3rd Canadian Championship, but I have named it to be consistent with the previous Canadian Chess Association Congresses, as does Stephen Wright. Phillips forfeited to all but Lambert and Hurlburt; de Boucherville forfeited to White, Lambert, Baker, and Henderson; Hurlburt forfeited to White.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 61
   [CLCM], vol. 2, no. 9, Oct. 1875, page 257
   [DCJ], vol. 8, no. 67, Oct. 1875, page 464
   [DFP], 22 Aug. 1875
   Wright, Stephen.  [Early Canadian Championships]

Tournament information updated: 22 Jul. 2022